Hypoglycaemia : signs, symptoms and treatments

Recently a concerned husband wants me to have a word with my client because he thinks she’s having a little bit too much “PMS” (Premenstrual syndrome). She becomes anxious and/or cranky very easily. She sweats even when the weather is cool. After our discussion, I have advised him that she’s actually displaying signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) as a result of her new “diet and exercise lifestyle” which consists of almost no carbohydrate and a minimum of 2 hours exercise without eating extra food each day! I’ve advised her to see a dietitian and an exercise physiologist for individualised programs to achieve her goals.

I believe it’s very important to teach people about signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia can be serious if it is left untreated and the person may pass out since our brains need constant supply of glucose. Please discuss with your GP and/or endocrinologist about your individual glucose levels. Generally speaking, hypoglycaemia occurs at a blood glucose level less than 3.5mmol/L and I urge you to treat it even if you have no symptoms! Early signs include hunger, sweating (like my client), shaking,  feeling dizzy and/or faint, rapid heart beat and feeling anxious (like my client), tingling or numbness around the mouth.

SweetsI would recommend you eat or drink  fast acting glucose ASAP, e.g. 150ml of NON-DIET cola or ordinary lemonade, 100ml of Lucozade,  5 jelly beans, 3-4 glucose tablets, or 200ml of pure smooth orange juice! Please check your blood glucose level after 5–10 minutes! If it is still low, repeat the treatment until your blood glucose level has returned to its normal level. Please do not over treat your hypoglycaemia because you do not want to have hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose) afterwards! Once your normal level has returned, eat a starchy snack unless a meal will be eaten in the next 1 to 2 hours keep your blood glucose level up. Discuss with your GP and work out what caused your hypoglycaemia so you can prevent it in the future!

Viv Hsu
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One Response so far.

  1. Sarah D says:

    Such an informative article! This describes the signs and symptoms in a way that’s so easy to understand

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