Weight Miracle: healthy weight ‘loss’ SECRETS (how to LOVE your body and Quit emotional eating and food craving)
Many thanks to Dawn for sharing bravely. Dawn has found her way back to LOVE IN LIFE. I’ve banned her from dieting, counting calories or using a scale! She has regained her freedom and control over food. She has QUIT emotional eating or food craving! She is FREE to CHOOSE so she gets to eat whatever her body wants with lots of LOVE, self-compassion, mindful eating and intuitive eating.
Our secret number 1 to successful weight management: LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. Be KIND to yourself as you would with your family and friends. Our secret number 2: FOCUS on your HEALTH instead of the weight. Be honest and discuss what’s really important in life! We’ve always achieved great results with NO SCALE. Dawn has done it without any prescription medication or over the counter medicine or supplement! Our secret number 3 is NO DIETING. I’ve been a health professional for more than 20 years and yet to learn anyone who has achieved excellent health by following a “diet” alone. Our secret number 4: I do LOVE to involve my patients’ family members or friends to help with their health management. The more support the better! If no one else is supporting you, you have yourself and me so WE ARE ENOUGH! It’s a team effort and I know we can do anything when we set our minds on achieving our dreams!
Dawn’s husband has helped us by hiding the scale so Dawn couldn’t weight herself at all. Even her doctors had joined me and wouldn’t tell her how much she’s “lost” on the scale. As a self-proclaimed “scale addict” who used to weigh herself TWICE every single day, it was extremely difficult to at the beginning, now she’s doesn’t even look at it.
I’ve kept reminding Dawn to be KIND to herself and say NO to self-criticism or social stigma about being “fat, overweight, anything else you or others call you” I’ve offered her a judgement free zone where she can be herself and be honest with me from the start so we could work together to achieve her dream of being slimmer and healthier!
She’s learned to LOVE her body through mindful eating and intuitive eating by listening to her body. The result? A brand new Dawn and we’ve totally pulled out her so-called “sweet tooth”. She’s also setting a good example for her grandchildren on how to be healthy physically and mentally.
Dawn was banned from any of the “no pain no gain” nonsense. I’ve stopped her doing excess exercises which had resulted in injuries in the past along with plenty of self criticism. We exercise to feel better, not to feel worse. Too much is just as bad as too little.
I’ve always thought that healthy weight management is more than just eating less and doing more. It is not that simple as the human body and mind is amazingly complicated so I prefer to help patients with HOLISTIC approaches. This also allows me to help patients to improve their emotional and psychological wellbeing, which is often overlooked when you focus on dieting and/or exercising only.
We know we’ve succeeded when Dawn started to wear some of her old clothes that she’s not worn for years! We know her dress size keeps getting smaller without knowing how many “kilo” she has “lost”. Who needs the number?
I don’t like the word “lose” so I ban all my patients from using it while in my clinics. All patients will tell you that I’m very bossy on banning some words when they are with me! No exception! It doesn’t matter who you are!
The bonus is her blood glucose levels have improved so much that she needs NO additional medicine to treat her diabetes. Her endocrinologist was amazed and was very happy with her progress!
Also it’s important to know that not all fat is created equal. The fat around the tummy is the dangerous fat so our ultimate achievement is to make sure we reduce the tummy fat! The fat around the bum poses no danger. JLo is famous for her beautiful bum! That’s why weighing on a scale doesn’t give us an accurate indication of our progress! So why wasting time?
Our core messages are simple! First message: BE KIND to yourself, as all my patients will tell you, although not all patients agree with me on this. I make no apology in asking everyone ” STOP BEATING yourself up” because it does no good to anyone! Second message: I’ve always asked my patients to “TRUST YOURSELF” as I’ve always told everyone “YOUR BODY is the BEST DOCTOR” every since I was young. Trust me (Viv) if you don’t trust yourself! Things become better when you trust yourself. Lastly, I invite you to join me to see that YOU ARE THE MIRACLE and YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST DOCTOR!
Hi Viv, a very good account of what we have to do to love ourselves and be positive with our life’s issues. Aren’t we lucky to be alive and living in this beautiful country. Eat the good food for our microbiomes that feed all the parts of our being. Have a great weekend.
Totally agreed, Jeff. We are very blessed to live in Australia where we have plenty of great food to feed our bodies. Often people are so focused on weight, they forget everything else.
My mission is to help people to appreciate what our bodies have done for us and how to listen to our bodies to become healthier and happier. We need to focus on both the mind and the body, hence I’ve asked patients to BE KIND to yourself and TRUST yourself before any changes can happen (lessons from working with so many wonderful patients over 25 years)
You gain muscle in the gym but you lose weight in the kitchen. So much about managing weight and staying healthy is about diet more than anything else. Thank Viv
Hi Marg, food choices are definitely important in maintaining a healthy weight and staying healthy! Food is nature’s gift!
Viv, it is so lovely to have someone who reminds us to be kind to and to trust ourselves. I have certainly spent many years desperately trying to find what I should and shouldn’t be doing to get the results I so want and need but without any success I have then blamed myself which has impacted on my own confidence and belief in my abilities and determination. Your intrinsic compassion paired with your depth of knowledge and experience continues to guide me towards a much brighter future where I now believe I can achieve my goals and live the life I want. Thank you for your passion and for your belief in us, your patients.
Wendy, you have achieved so much since you become kind to yourself! Be proud of what you have already achieved and know that you can achieve your desired goals and start to design the life you have always wanted!
I see Viv as my nutritionistand love her positive outlook and enthusiasm in supporting me. Viv takes into account the foods I like and those I don’t and works out a food list of great foods that I like and can eat – so changing my eating habits into healthier choices is a simple process. I love Viv telling me to “Count my blessings and not the calories” as a positive mindset makes the journey to great health far easier.
Thank you for your support Viv and I can highly recommend Viv to anyone who wants to gain better health.
Linette, I’ve always believed that food is nature’s gift so I always enjoy eating food. There is nothing worse than eating food you don’t enjoy! Together we have figured out how to enjoy your food while becoming more healthy! Congratulation on no weight gain over 6 weeks oversea holiday eating and drinking foreign food without dieting! That’s the power of counting your blessing, not the calories as we’ve discussed before your trip and you did it!How good does that feel? Thank you for allowing me to be part of your weight management journey!
This is really powerful stuff Viv. You obviously care so much about your patients, which is really inspiring. Keep up the great work!
Marty, It’s such a privilege to be a health professional in my life. Patients have taught me a lot of life lessons, that are not taught in universities! Patients have shown me the strength and resilience of human beings! I’ve learnt a lot from my patients who I care for so it’s a win-win for all involved! I’m very blessed to meet great patients who are my teachers in life! Definitely will keep doing the best and learn as much as possible to help more people! Thank you for your encouragement!