Happy 2018 towards a more energized, happy and healthy YOU
Very surprised to receive many patients’ New Year Resolutions! Thank you so much for including me as part of your circles. Very grateful to be asked to work with you in 2018! Not surprisingly the most common goal is to be more energized, happy and healthy!
Just imagine how great it would be to have more energy to do things you love! Maybe you used to play football or run marathons. Or just have the ability to run around with your grandchildren? That’s definitely a plus in life! What do you think?
How about feeling happy? What makes you happy? There are tons of resources on happiness which indicates it’s a very popular topic so you will definitely find something on it easily. I believe happiness is in the process of living our best lives from my observations of patients from the last 20 years as a pharmacist working in various settings. Regardless of the patients’ background, cultural heritages and social status, they are most happy when they make any progress towards their goals. Encouragements from their health professionals help to make it even better. I’m very fortunate to be allowed to help many patients over the years. I’ve learned from my patients what work for them and what need to be changed to make the advice work for them. I always encourage and empower my patients to help them engage in their own health management as I know they can do it!
Health is as important if not more important than wealth. What does health mean to you? Many talk about physical health which is very important and I would like to add and raise the awareness for the need for emotional and mental health! This is often overlooked or ignored. We can encourage people affected with mental health issues to seek professional help. Whatever your goals are, please be very kind with yourself and work with your health professionals and your support framework, such as family members, friends, work colleagues and neighbours.
Remember, you are not alone and you can triumph over any struggle with your determination and support from others. Let’s hear Eva’s almost 20 years struggles with diabetes and see how she has gained the victory now!