What’s your story about your diabetes?

Many patients had shared their thoughts, especially “There’s nothing I can do…..” after they’ve been diagnosed with diabetes a long time ago, even more so if they have high blood glucose levels (BGLs). I’ve always told my patients that the numbers are not your diabetes identity. They are meant to help you to manage your diabetes better. Use the numbers and patterns to figure out what you can do to improve your diabetes so you can feel better!

We hope that Mrs B’s story may help you to start trusting yourself to manage your diabetes! When she first came to me, her BGLs were way above the norm. Everyone is worried about her readings. She felt like a failure after having diabetes many years. She was very feeling so tired that she had no energy to do anything literally.

I’ve challenged her thoughts on what the numbers (BGLs) meant and helped her slowly to let go of her story about being a failure from persistent high readings. We’ve discussed the possible causes of high BGLs and what she can start doing after reviewing structured BGLs monitoring. I’ve also invited her loving family to participate in this family affair of getting their beloved mum healthier. We are very lucky to work with a super caring Dr Trinh, who discussed with me in person regarding Mrs B before and after her appointments.

Today we have a happier Mrs B who is walking and having energy to play with her grandchildren every single day! She’s let go of her BGLs story and has trusted herself to manage her diabetes. Her family is so excited to have their mum back to her old cheerful self after many years! We ask you to join us to let go of your bad diabetes story and move into triumph of your diabetes success!



Viv Hsu
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